Insomnia is a very common health problem, affecting 10% of the adult population, but it is often viewed as a symptom of another disorder rather than a condition warranting independent clinical intervention. Further, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) recognised that the previous dichotomy of primary versus secondary insomnia does adequately describe the disorder. Indeed, DSM-5 suggests that ‘Insomnia Disorder’ should be …
Treating Insomnia to treat depression
New research shows great promise in treating people with insomnia and depression, and may ignite new excitement for an inexpensive therapy for these and other conditions. Previously, researchers and doctors believed that depression caused insomnia. Indeed, poor sleep is a diagnostic symptom of depression with about 90% of people with depression experiencing disturbed sleep. Insomnia was considered ‘secondary’ to the …
All I want for Christmas is a good night’s sleep!
We know that sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. Sleep supports the immune system, assists physical growth and repair, strengthens memory, and improves mood and wellbeing. Lack of sleep can contribute to feeling irritable, stressed and overwhelmed which are common experiences in our busy modern Christmases. It’s common for sleep to deteriorate during the festive period due to increased …
Results are in! Effectiveness of Sleep Matters’ group treatment for Insomnia
100s of clinical trials have lead to the recommendation that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) be the recommended first-line treatment for Insomnia. Through 2018, researchers from Curtin University, Dr Clare Rees and Ms Jamie Hardman, have analysed data from the group CBT-Insomnia program developed by Sleep Matters and run through The Marian Centre in Perth, WA. This is important research as it evaluates …
Insomnia and mortality: Results from the world’s largest study
Many poor sleepers come to our service worrying that they are at risk of serious physical illness and even death. It’s easy to see why these worries exist, with there being so much frightening information at our fingertips about the link between poor sleep and health. Contrary to popular belief, an important paper published recently, suggested that Insomnia does not increase mortality risk. …
Partner Snoring?
At some stage in our lives many of us will have a bed partner who has annoying habits that disrupt our sleep. Anyone had the quilt stolen or copped a stray elbow or knee recently? One problematic habit in particular that we often hear about in our clinical work is snoring. Snoring occurs when airflow between your nose and throat …
Australian research out this month effective insomnia treatments shifting your beliefs about sleep is key
Going to bed each night expecting to sleep badly is part of life for someone with insomnia. People with Insomnia may also believe that the day after a poor sleep will be difficult, mood will be low, important details will be forgotten, and tempers will flare. There might also be worry about sleep being out of control, and worse, worry that …
Mindfulness in May: A practical evening seminar. Tickets just $10
Many people who have trouble sleeping tell us that a big part of the problem is their busy mind. The mind might be full of worry about work, relationships, past mistakes, or it might be jumping from one seemingly random topic to the next. Frustratingly, there’s no off switch. Practising mindfulness does not switch the mind off, but it can …
Improving Sleep in Teens
Dr Jessica Tearne and Mr Paul Jeffery from Sleep Matters presented a seminar on teenage sleep to year 7 students and their parents at one of Perth’s high schools this week. It was a great opportunity to cover some interesting and important facts about sleep in adolescence. Getting good quality and quantity sleep can be tricky in adolescence. At the very age the …
How to wake up earlier (and feel good about it)
Follow the steps below for 2 weeks and see if you become the early-bird you never thought you’d be. We often help people who would like to get up earlier in the morning. This desire can be motivated by a number of things; fitting in exercise, making the morning routine before school/work less rushed, creating a more positive mindset to …
Improving sleep to improve Performance: What does the research say?
Good sleep can help us perform at our best, this is true for everyone, including elite athletes. Good sleep plays an important role in optimising performance and recovery outcomes across a range of sports. Daniel Bonnar from Flinders University and Sleep Matters, has recently published the results of a research project, reviewing research on how interventions to improve sleep affect athletic performance and …
Back to school sleep routine
Sleep routines for children can change a great deal over the long summer holidays. Later nights, sleeping in, more variability and sleep-wake schedules, more screen time, less focus on a pre-bed wind down routine are some of the common changes. While many kids and teens adjust easily to the school sleep routine, others may benefit from some structured adjustments to create a great routine around sleep. …