Treating Insomnia, how can mindfuless help?

Sleep Matters PerthBlog, insomnia, insomnia treatment, sleep tips, sleep tips

Research is uncovering mindfulness to be a powerful aid in the quest to treat Insomnia. In recent years, there has been a huge amount of scientific interest in the benefits of mindfulness to many aspects of health and wellbeing, including Insomnia. After describing what Mindfulness is, we present some interesting summaries of clinical research trials (including one by Dr Melissa Ree from …

Mindfulness Courses to Calm Your Mind

Sleep Matters PerthBlog, insomnia treatment, sleep tips

Mindfulness Courses to Calm Your Mind Perth Mindfulness Centre ( is a collaboration between psychologists Dr Mark Craigie and Paul Buttigieg. Mark and Paul are highly experienced mindfulness teachers specialising in teaching mindfulness practices to help people relax, calm their mind,  improve concentration, and reduce stress. Learning mindfulness skills may also assist with improving sleep. Please go to Perth Mindfulness …