As a parent or caregiver, making sure your teen gets quality sleep is crucial. In today’s fast-paced world, many young people struggle to develop healthy sleep habits. That’s why we’re excited to share valuable insights from a UWA research team (including our very own Dr. Melissa Ree) on evidence-based strategies to promote better sleep in young people.
Improving Sleep in Teens
Dr Jessica Tearne and Mr Paul Jeffery from Sleep Matters presented a seminar on teenage sleep to year 7 students and their parents at one of Perth’s high schools this week. It was a great opportunity to cover some interesting and important facts about sleep in adolescence. Getting good quality and quantity sleep can be tricky in adolescence. At the very age the …
Back to school sleep routine
Sleep routines for children can change a great deal over the long summer holidays. Later nights, sleeping in, more variability and sleep-wake schedules, more screen time, less focus on a pre-bed wind down routine are some of the common changes. While many kids and teens adjust easily to the school sleep routine, others may benefit from some structured adjustments to create a great routine around sleep. …
Sleep tips for Teens
Jessica Cole from Sleep Matters presented a seminar on teenage sleep to nearly 200 students at one of Perth’s high schools this week. It was a great opportunity to cover some interesting and important facts about sleep in adolescence. Getting good quality and quantity sleep can be tricky in adolescence. At the very age the teenage body is demanding more …